Welcome to October, everyone! Here at the Dream Team Blog, we're going to drill down on one subject this month, and that's shingled roofing. Each week this month, we're going to focus on one element of your roof and when having it is the most important.
To kick it off, let's talk about what happens when you replace a roof, in order.
1. Removal of existing roof to plywood: If you didn't know, your home is allowed to have up to three full layers of shingle, stacked one on top of the next, leading to a very, very thick roof. Sometimes this much shingle can hide serious problems that replacement will make come up. We want to know, so that we can head these problems off at the pass - and you want us to know, because the very safety of your home could be at stake. Plus, if there's any problem with the plywood, we can replace it right then, to keep your roof looking good and being safe.
2. Insulation Installation: The next step in the process is to install all the various forms of insulation on top of your plywood. The first of these is a strip of metal known as a drip edge, which is placed between your gutters and the fascia board behind, to insure that runoff is directed into the gutter only and not to the vulnerable wood behind - we'. Placed on top of this is a layer of material referred to as an "ice & water shield'. This protects your roof from water damage and protects the vulnerable wood underneath.
3. Shingles: There's some technical data about installing shingles specifically, but just knowing what goes before is the point of this post.
Not as simple as we all thought, huh?
That's why we need qualified roofers!
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